Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Hovel (Part 2, 3 and 4)...

Yesterday, with my fantastic cinematography, I brought you into the neighborhood where I am now living. Today I will bring you in the front door and into My Hovel! It's been a LONG time since I lived in a place with a handful of roommates, and it takes some getting used to, but it's not bad. Again, you get back to the very basics; what do I really need to be safe and comfortable?

Parking Lot to the Front Door

This is a bit unusual because it is, literally, like being a long-term guest in some one's home. So you do, to a large degree, live amongst their furniture and clutter, but, at the same time you aren't moving into a sterile, white-walled apartment. The place has character, and immediately seems a bit like home. This is a big place. I rarely see the people who live upstairs. There is one girl I've never seen at all.


My room is small, and enclosed, but, for right now, I like it that way. Every time I leave the neighborhood I have only a vague idea where I am. Most of the time I am lost. That is by design. I love the challenge. But, after a day of disorientation, it's nice to be able to crawl into my cave and feel secure.

My Hovel

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