Sunday, May 17, 2009

No Longer Homeless...

Yesterday, I moved into a downstairs room in a large townhouse in Silver Spring --> HERE <--. The neighborhood is called Middlebridge Village. It will be my home base, at least for a couple of months, while I try to do some work for my friends at PushButton, and try to find a permanent job up here. It’s in a quiet neighborhood – the entire neighborhood is a cul-de-sac, and the street itself is a cul-de-sac within that neighborhood. It is almost exactly a mile from the Glenmont Metro station. It is a short distance from good shopping (not just one, but TWO Trader Joe’s). I think it’s a good situation.

There will be four other people living there. Three upstairs and two downstairs. There is a woman named Leslie living downstairs. I haven’t yet met her. There are two females and a male living upstairs. They all seem pleasant, quiet, and busy with their own lives.

I am still in the process of putting things away and arranging.

Last night, after packing up my campsite at Greenbelt Park (after a week of camping there), and moving into the townhouse, I went to a place just a mile down the road called the Stained Glass Pub. I had a meatball sub, and a couple of beers. By the time I got out, it was dark and raining. After one turn out of the parking lot, I had no idea where I was! It’s exactly what I wanted. Everywhere I go, I have no idea where I am. I must constantly process new places and street names. It is just as much of a challenge as I had hoped it would be. Especially in the dark. And the rain.

For those of you who are wondering, I did make it home. Although today it took me forty minutes to find the Starbucks where I currently sit, even though it is just 7 miles from my new home. Shortly, I’m going to be really brave and attempt to go grocery shopping. I may end up in Virginia…

1 comment:

  1. Glad you have a safe haven now. Probably more comfortable too. Good luck on the job search! I'll toast good luck to you on your endeavors. Keep in touch. Will call you soon. xo
