Friday, July 24, 2009

You Name It

I think my car needs a name. I don't know why. It's been ages since I had a car with a name. If you've known me for a long time, you may remember the car I used to call "The Land Yacht." It was a '72 Chrysler Newport that I bought for $300, and it was so big I'm pretty sure you could have landed a helicopter on the roof.

I decided to take a poll of my faithful readers to see what you think. Jennifer suggested the name "McKinley" - after the mountain that fascinates me (and we already have a "Denali" in the family - Kami's dog).

I threw in a couple of ideas of my own. "The Green Monster" is obviously a reference to the left field wall at Fenway Park, and, it seems appropriate because the station wagon is pretty big and, well... green. "The Raft" is a bit of an inside joke that most of you will understand, but also refers to the fact that the car represents my method of "drifting" back to Florida if or when the need arises. "E" is kind of a play on words that reflects the ever-changing nature of things. E-volv...o. Comprende? Verstehen Sie? I know. It's kind of silly, but, then again, I'm kind of silly.

Take a minute to vote on the Official Poll just to the right of this post. Or write a comment or send me an e-mail with your name suggestion, and I'll add it to the poll.

I should forewarn you that the decision will ultimately be made by the Executive Naming Committee which consists of... ME! All decisions are final. I'll have to schedule a meeting with myself before the naming is official. At that point, I will issue a statement to the media, and distribute invitations to the christening ceremony.


  1. The Raft is too funny but I think I like "E" Evolv - Evolvo like you mentioned. Can't stop thinking about you saying Me & E :)

  2. I like E..Volvo because it's so clever, but the name Raft is so you. I chuckle when I think of the "christ on a raft" that your friends gave you when you left Gainesville.

  3. You may be the proud owner of a Raft?? Can't wait for the Executive Naming Committee meeting!
