Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Top 10 Beer List

When waiting on a Metro platform or standing in line somewhere, I'm sure it appears to those around me as if I'm just staring off into space, but I've actually found a very constructive way to use that time. I try to make a mental list of 10 people (living people, not historical figures) with whom I'd like to be able to sit down and enjoy a beer and a good chat.

Try it some time. It's not as easy as you think. Obviously, the possibilities are almost endless. For me, the list changes frequently, depending on my mood and present circumstances. There is one person who always seems to be there though. Gary Larson.

If the name doesn't sound familiar, he is the creator of the very clever, extremely entertaining, but often dark and bizarre series of cartoons called The Far Side.

As I contemplate my existence, I appreciate Larson's philosophical views:

I'll drink to that.

1 comment:

  1. DC's loss is Florida's gain.

    You gave it a great try. Never know what the future will bring. Life is a big canvas.

    You have many people who love you.
