Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I'll be damned. It works...
This is a test. Allegedly, I can now update my blog from my cell phone. I'll believe it when I see it...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Travel Companion...

My trusted travel companion on a beautiful day near the Tidal Basin at the foot of the steps of the Jefferson Memorial...

4th of July

On the 4th of July, I went into DC. Where else would you go? I joined a million and a half of my closest friends to celebrate the nation's birthday. With a little forethought, and willingness to walk great distances, I got around with no trouble at all. I ended up standing right under the Washington Monument. Looking west, this was the view of the Lincoln Memorial - with wall to wall people all the way down that end of the Mall. The group of buildings in the right distance is an area called Rosslyn - across the Potomac in Virgina.

I waited until near dark to look east and take a picture of the Mall all the way to the Capitol - again, with wall to wall people as far as you can see.

This is what DC fireworks look like when you're basically right underneath them!

Constitutional Gardens

Last weekend, I rode the Capitol Crescent Trail, from Silver Spring to Georgetown. Then I rode up M Street, and right on Twenty-third, which brings you to area of the Lincoln Memorial from the north side. It made for a pleasant surprise. I had never before been in Constitutional Gardens, but it's safe to say I'll go back.

Changing Luck...

Yesterday, I was riding my bike to the Metro station so I could head into DC and explore and get some exercise. I always stay on the far right on the sidewalk - toward the top of the hill there is a row of trees that provides some shade.

Under one gigantic tree, a bird sitting on the branches overhead decided to let loose as I passed. This was not your ordinary dropping. This little creature had evidently enjoyed a massive 4th of July bird barbecue. The colossal turd hit the sidewalk a foot to my right with a very audible splat. I laughed. In June, that would have landed right on top of me. Now that it's July, maybe my luck is changing...

Life Goes On...

Walking to a Starbucks (where else?) the other day, I saw this, and thought it was appropriate somehow. A handful of birds resting in a dead tree. I snapped the photo with my pocket digital camera. It is now the wallpaper graphic on my cell phone. I call it Life Goes On...